The Role of Parenting Coordinators in Managing Custody Disputes and Emergency Claims
Hi, I’m Clint Hastings. I’m an Tulsa fathers’ rights attorney. This is another video in my series on parenting coordinators. Today, we’re going to talk about can parenting coordinators help prevent frivolous emergency custody filings or DHS investigation filings or reports. And the answer is yes, they can.
If you have a parenting coordinator in your case, sometimes I’ll get it in an order appointing the parenting coordinator that specifically the parenting coordinator is going to be contacted when possible to address potential emergencies in the custody case. Now, if the child is actually in imminent immediate danger, then you’re not going to have time to call a parenting coordinator meeting, obviously.
Benefits of Utilizing a Parenting Coordinator
But if it’s something where you’ve learned of some conditions, maybe the child said something, something has occurred that makes you very worried that you need to make a DHS report or you need to do a motion for emergency custody and you have a parenting coordinator, well, you can call or ask the parenting coordinator to call an emergency meeting over this.
In those type of instances, it’s worth the money for the parenting coordinator because you can end up saving thousands and thousands on your attorney’s fees and save you a lot of emotional resource and time resource. Yes, parenting coordinators can help in those situations and absolutely you should use them.
Schedule a Low-Cost Consultation Today
If you’re in a case where mom has made several DHS reports and emergency filings, you need to see if a parenting coordinator can be appointed in your case to help for these matters. Contact a CPS investigation attorney in Tulsa for fathers at 918-962-0900 to schedule a low-cost consultation and learn more about how parenting coordinators can benefit your case.