Can DHS Workers Serve as Expert Witnesses?
Hello, my name is Brian L. Jackson. I’m a Tulsa father’s rights attorney here with Dads.Law. Our fathers are not disposable.
I was talking last time about cops being considered expert witnesses. Let’s shift our focus for a moment and discuss DHS workers. Can a DHS worker be considered an expert witness? The answer, once again, is that it depends.
For certain child welfare-related matters, DHS workers might be dobbered as expert witnesses. However, it’s important to note that in Oklahoma, most social workers employed by DHS typically have a bachelor’s degree as their highest level of education. This means their level of expertise may not be on par with professionals like therapists, who often have master’s or doctorate degrees and additional licensure requirements.
What Can a DHS Worker Testify to?
A DHS worker can testify as a fact witness, providing information about what they observed during their investigation, their findings, and their firsthand experiences. However, it’s crucial to understand that fact witnesses testify based on their five senses and do not provide expert opinions.
While a DHS worker may be able to testify on certain child welfare related issues, they may not necessarily be qualified to speak about what is in a child’s best interest. Their expertise lies primarily in their investigation and the factual information they have gathered.
Seek Legal Advice for Your Specific Case
If you have questions or concerns regarding the use of DHS workers as expert witnesses in your Oklahoma family law case, it is essential to consult with an experienced attorney. At Dads.Law, we specialize in father’s rights and can provide the guidance you need.
Visit our website at Dads.Law, where fathers are not disposable.