Keep Everything Accounted For
Video Transcribed: Let’s talk about expert witnesses in the case of the division of monetary assets. My name is Brian L. Jackson. I’m a Tulsa fathers’ rights attorney here with Dads.Law where fathers are not disposable. And I want to talk to you guys today about certain types of experts that you may or may not need to hire if you are dealing with a high-dollar divorce.
Now one type of problem that sometimes comes about in high-dollar divorces is where one spouse or the other is hiding assets and there’s missing money that can’t be accounted for. And one possible way to address this problem is you can hire a forensic accountant to go back through all the books of the marriage and figure out where every last dollar might have disappeared to. So that’s one type of expert you might hire.
But let’s say that you have a business and the business is doing pretty well and you’re trying to figure out, all right, well what is it worth? How do we value it? Well, that would be where you might look for a business evaluator who would look into, all right, well where’s your money at with this business? What is it worth realistically? What part of the business’s value is divisible? That’s a pretty common expert you might hire.
Some other examples are if you have real property and you’re trying to figure out what it’s worth for the purposes of division of the equity, then you might hire an appraiser for the real property. You may also have valuable personal property and it may be difficult to ascertain. It’s valuable, but you don’t necessarily know what it’s worth, and again, appraisers could come into play there.
And these are some of the examples of experts you might decide to engage in the event of a divorce where there are high dollar assets. If you are dealing with a high-dollar divorce, you definitely need good counsel. And one place you can find a good Oklahoma family law attorney is at Dads.Law where fathers are not disposable.