Consult a Dads Rights Attorney When Assistance Needed
Video Transcribed: Hello, my name is Brian L. Jackson. I’m a Tulsa father’s rights attorney with So for those of you who are unmarried fathers, I’ve got some bad news for you. You don’t have rights in Oklahoma until you establish them. How do you establish your rights?
Well, in order to do so, you will need to pursue a paternity action in the district court. This is done by filing a petition for paternity in the district court for the county in which your child resides. If your child resides anywhere within Tulsa, that would be Tulsa County District Court.
As an initial matter, if your name is not on the birth certificate, and you and the child’s mother have not signed an acknowledgment of paternity, then you may be required to undergo DNA testing. This is required before you can even be considered as the father.
If you have signed the acknowledgment of paternity, and your name is on the birth certificate, then you can usually skip the part about actually establishing the fact that you are Dad, and then it comes down to getting a paternity decree in place that will allow you visitation and that will allow you to have some have to say in your child’s upbringing.
That decree would determine the issues of paternity, custody, visitation, and child support if there’s going to be some. Unfortunately, guys, hate to tell you this, there probably will be. So that’s the process for establishing paternity in Oklahoma. If you need help establishing the paternity of your child, you should go to right away where dads are not disposable. Thank you.