My Client Got His Protective Order Dismissed
Video Transcribed: So some other positive news for fathers out there, I just not notched a recent win in Oklahoma protective order court. My name is Brian L. Jackson. I am an Oklahoma dad’s rights attorney.
And a couple of days ago, I went in on a protective order that had been used to prevent my client from seeing his children by his ex-wife. I went to court and I guess, cooler heads prevailed because the mother agreed through her attorney to dismiss the protective order.
And my client on that same day was able to get a video visit with his children who we hadn’t seen in about six months. So he finally got to see his kid, and we’re all very happy for him here. And I share these stories because I want you guys out there to know if you’re going through this, there is hope.
You can get a positive outcome in the long run and just keep your head held high and keep hanging in there. In the long game, you can get ahead. And guys, if you are facing one of these situations, I encourage you to go to Dads.Law or fathers are not disposable and we’ll help you out.