Judges Will Consider Which Parent’s Behavior Is Better
Video Transcribe: Guys, you need to be the adult in the room. My name is Brian L. Jackson. I’m a Tulsa Father’s Rights attorney with dads.law, where fathers are not disposable. I’m going to talk to you guys about acting in a reasonable manner, even when your ex is not. As I say, being the adult in the room.
It’s not uncommon to run into family law situations. I see this all the time, where one party or the other is acting a complete ass, and it’s tempting to drop down to their level and get down in the mud and fight them like that. Do you know what the problem with that is?
That it doesn’t help your case, and not to mention which, if you’re dealing with somebody who’s a real piece of crap… You know what happens when you try to get down in the mud and wrestle with a pig, is that the pig’s going to beat you, and they’re going to enjoy it, because they’re more experienced, and they like rolling in the mud. So, don’t get down in the dirt with the other side just because she’s at acting like an asshole.
There are ways of handling that situation, and your best chance of winning the day, if it does end up in front of a judge, is by looking like the adult in the room. Judges will consider which parent’s behavior is better.
It is relevant to best interests, and also they are going to be thinking in the back of their mind because they have to by statute, which parent is more likely to facilitate a relationship with the other. And you definitely want them to conclude that that’s you and not her, and you don’t want them to conclude that you are going to be a problem with that.
So, even if she’s being a complete ass, you’re better off to be the adult in the room, because I’m telling you right now, you behave like a jerk, it’s going to come back and bite you. And if you are dealing with somebody who’s being difficult for whatever reason, you need a good lawyer, one place you can go to find a good lawyer is at dads.law where fathers are not disposable.