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Video Transcribed: She was violent, she had a knife, she even had a gun. My name is Brian L. Jackson I am a Men’s Divorce Attorney Tulsa with Dads.Law, and today I want to talk to you about a case I recently worked on where I was able to successfully obtain a protective order on behalf of a client of mine who was a victim of domestic violence.
This gentleman had been in a relationship with a woman who had pretty clearly had some mental health issues and was convinced that it was acceptable for her to use violent means including weapons against this man because she was afraid he might disparage her publicly. I took the case all the way to a hearing and was able to get the order entered, I was able to have the court order her to surrender her firearm.
And despite the fact that her attorney made an attempt to make her out to be the victim, I was able to shut that down pretty effectively and get him the protection he deserves, which is no mean feat when you’re talking about men, because the unfortunate fact is that a lot of folks and this attorney was an example of this, view men as the perpetrators and women as the victim. And that was the narrative she was trying to peddle in the court.
Happily, the court did the right thing and declined to listen to that evidence, focused on the facts, and entered the order as was appropriate. And now this gentleman is better off for having been able to get his situation resolved.
And if you are facing a similar situation where you’re the victim of domestic violence, please don’t think that there isn’t help. There is help out there for you. Go to, where fathers are not disposable and we’ll help you out, guys.