Child Abuse or Neglect Charges
Let’s say that you have a more serious criminal history. You have felony charges and it was a child abuse, child neglect type charge. How do you address that in family court? My name is Brian L. Jackson. I am a father’s rights attorney in Tulsa here with Dads.Law where fathers are not disposable. And we’re going to talk about your history as you have felonies and you have child abuse or child neglect in your history.
As a starting point, I would say even if it’s fairly far in the past, be prepared for the possible reality you may be on supervised visitation to start with. That might be something to look at on an interim basis. If for no other reason than to demonstrate to the court that you are not dangerous. Supervised visitation has one distinct advantage if it’s professional, which is it allows you to establish a clean track record with the court. Anytime you go to a supervised visit, there is a report written by the supervisor. They will indicate where you are appropriate, where you are not appropriate. And if you can establish a history of doing all the right things, that certainly helps.
Go get counseling, get evaluated for domestic violence, whatever you need to, to make sure that you can demonstrate, again, that you have moved on from whatever it is that got you your charge. Parenting classes, not a bad idea either. Even if you don’t think you need them, it can’t hurt and it’s something that, again, you can show the court that says, I’ve moved on. It may mean, especially if the charges involve the child whose custody you’re fighting over, you have to go to reconciliation therapy or something like that with the child. It’s not necessarily the end of the road, but you’re going to have to jump through some hoops.
Proving Yourself to the Judge
This is a more difficult situation and the reality is the courts take that stuff very seriously, as they should, and with that kind of a background, you’re going to realistically be looking at having to prove yourself to that judge. It’s really important, too, that you can show, again, a clean drug test is probably a good idea even if whatever happened had nothing to do with drugs. Maybe getting a psyche eval that shows you’ve got your head twisted on straight and whatever. Obviously, these are things you would want to consult with a lawyer about before you go do, and this is just general information, not specific legal advice, but those are some things that potentially could come into play and are things to consider.
The most important thing, as I always advise anyone who listens to me regularly, you need to get with a good lawyer in that situation. One place you can find a good lawyer is at Dads.Law, where fathers are not disposable.
Get a Low-cost Strategy Session
The most important thing, as I always advise anyone who listens to me regularly, you need to get with a good lawyer in that situation. One place you can find a good family lawyer in Oklahoma is at Dads.Law, where fathers are not disposable.