Non-Custodial Parents Can Access the Child’s Medical
Video Transcribed: What are your rights as a non-custodial parent? My name is Brian L. Jackson. I am an Oklahoma father’s rights attorney here with, where fathers are not disposable.
I want to talk to you today about your rights if you’re non-custodial. What kind of information are you entitled to as a non-custodial parent?
Well, statutorily, some things you have a right to have. You have a right to access the child’s school record, calendar, and any records from any extracurriculars the child participates in. You have a right to their medical records.
You have a right to their psychological and psychiatric records. There are circumstances where a court may constrain those rights if the court makes certain findings, but as the starting point, you have a right to that information without those findings.
You have a right to know if your child will be taken out of state. Now, there is some confusion on this by many people who think you have to consent to it.
You do not have to consent to the child traveling out of state short term; you have to be informed as to where the child will be, how to contact the child, and when the child will be back. She’s legally obliged to tell you; if she doesn’t, she has a problem.
You have a right to object if she decides to try to relocate more than 75 miles away with your child. That’s called the Relocation Statute, and there’s a whole procedure. She has to give you notice in writing. She has to give you a reason. She has to make a proposed new visitation schedule if visitation is occurring.
That is right. If she fails to do it, she’s in contempt of court, which could be grounds for losing custody. You have a right to refuse if she wants to take the child out of the country. A custodial parent cannot obtain a minor child’s passport without the non-custodial parent’s consent. That’s an important one to be aware of because of incidents of international kidnapping. You have the right to refuse, and you may be well served to do so, depending on the situation.
You have a right to know if there’s an emergency. If your child ends up in the hospital, if your child ends up in the ER, a child is charged with a crime, you have a right to know about those things as the non-custodial parent. Of course, you also have a right to whatever court order visitation you have. That is not optional on her to allow you visitation if there’s a schedule. That’s right.
Those are some examples of rights you have as a non-custodial parent. It should be taken seriously. If you have questions about needing a child support attorney in Oklahoma or a Dad’s Child Custody Lawyer in Tulsa, you can find one at Dads.Law.