Overdue Child Support Will Make You Pay More the Next Month
Video Transcribed: How can you avoid owing your ex-wife or baby mama a ton of arrearage child support? My name is Brian L. Jackson. I am an Oklahoma fathers rights attorney here with Dads.Law, where fathers are not disposable.
I want to talk to you guys about avoiding that arrearage. Yeah, there are some things you can do tactically to avoid that arrearage. It’s not really magic. The secret is to pay child support as early as you possibly can. A good idea is to pay her something, even if you don’t have an official amount, pay her something and keep records of it. Obviously, it goes without saying, don’t pay her in cash. You can do an electronic funds transfer, cut a check, something that leaves a paper trail behind that you can prove, and start paying that as early as possible.
It may not feel good to be giving her money, and you may feel like, “Well, she’s just going to throw it away at the nail salon.” And there may be some truth to that. But understand that if you don’t pay now, you’re going to owe an arrearage later. And if you owe an arrearage later, now you got to pay that on top of the monthly child support and it just sets you up for potential problems. So an easy way to avoid child support contempt and to avoid a big judgment against you at the end of your initial divorce or initial paternity is to pay now so that you don’t have to pay later.
If you have questions about that from a child support attorney in Tulsa, I would encourage you to go to Dads.Law, where fathers are not disposable. Thanks, guys.