Parenting Apps Help Facilitate Clearer Communications between the Parents
Video Transcribed: So let’s talk about parenting apps, guys. My name is Brian L. Jackson, I am a Tulsa fathers rights attorney here at Dads.Law where fathers are not disposable. Today, we’re going to talk about parenting apps and what are some of the pros and cons of using them.
To start with, we talked about what is a parenting app. Parenting apps are tools you can download to your phone that is used for the purposes of communicating with your child’s other parent. They typically include things like a calendar module, some kind of a text chat module, and there may be other things as well you can use basically for the purpose of facilitating co-parenting. Parenting apps typically come with a modest fee. It can vary, usually not very expensive. The highest I’ve heard is maybe a hundred dollars for the year.
Now, one of the biggest advantages of parenting apps is it does help facilitate clearer communications between the parents, and it’s the ability to stay on the same page. Surprisingly enough, just clear communications can solve a lot of problems.
Also, parenting apps usually include a feature where it prevents you from modifying what was sent so you have a complete record of all communications. Now, the cool thing about that is it puts everyone on the record, which really does tend to encourage good behavior.
People are less likely to write each other nasty grams or send profanity when they know it’s on the record and can be reproduced in a court. So that’s an advantage.
It also means though that you need to be on your best behavior, so it can be a double-edged sword. Because if you send something stupid to the other parent through the parenting app, it’s there forever. If it comes up in court, there it is, black and white. So, I mean, it is a bit of a double-edged sword.
But overall, they’re a pretty good tool in the arsenal for parents that have high conflict. Even if you don’t, just improving communications is a good thing. It benefits your child. It benefits you. It saves you aggravation. So overall, I think on the balance that they are a good thing.
They do cost a little bit of money, but it’s a lot cheaper than having a parenting coordinator where you’re paying them thousands of dollars to improve communications.
This is maybe a hundred dollars a year, much cheaper. Assuming you’re at a level where you can at least talk to the other person, even if it’s not always a hundred percent cordial, it’s not a bad thing to consider. So if you have questions about parenting apps or if you’d like to know how to set up a parenting app, contact a Tulsa men’s attorney at