Infidelity Isn’t Always a Dealbreaker
Video Transcribed: What kinds of things will a family court judge not care about? My name is Brian L. Jackson. I’m a Tulsa father’s rights attorney here with Dads.Law where fathers are not disposable.
Today I would like to talk to you guys about some issues that come up sometimes very common in family law cases that everybody seems to think that judge is going to get really upset about, but that in fact are not all that important. Topping that list would be adultery. So there’s no ambiguity with you guys, understand as hurtful and terrible a thing it is to be betrayed by the person you love and thought you were in a marriage with, adultery in modern family law litigation is almost irrelevant.
In terms of property division, it really doesn’t have an appreciable effect. In terms of child custody, the only reason it would matter is if the person who is the paramour, that is the person that you are soon to be acts cheated on you with is otherwise an unsavory influence, like for example, they have child welfare history, they have domestic violence history, they have a criminal history. But barring one of those situations, the court’s just not going to care. The only thing you might get if you bring that up is the court may very well decide to enter an order basically saying nobody can bring paramours around the kids.
And that’s kind of common. But other than that, the court won’t care. And honestly, there are other things to focus on other than adultery. I’m going to talk about some other issues in the future that are along the same lines of things that you’ll probably think are really, really important that the court’s just not going to care about. But I wanted to start with adultery because that one comes up a lot. And if you do have any questions about that or you’re facing a family law situation, you need a good lawyer, and one place you can find a good Tulsa family law attorney is at Dads.Law where fathers are not disposable.