Planned Parenting Conferences Can Help You and Your Ex Work Together
Video Transcribed: What can I expect at a Tulsa County Planned Parenting Conference? My name is Brian L. Jackson. I’m a men’s attorney in Tulsa here with Dads.Law, where fathers are not disposable.
I want to talk to you guys today about the Tulsa County Planned Parenting Conference. Now, if you’re involved in any kind of a new child custody matter, whether you’re talking about paternity or a divorce, you will be required, in order to move your case forward, to attend the Planned Parenting Conference. Now, basically, what that is it’s a compelled settlement conference. The court will order the parties to show up. Whoever’s on the docket, right now is Judge Keele, who will give a speech and basically discuss why you have to learn to work together. And then you’ll be required to meet and discuss trying to settle a temporary order.
Now, one of two things is going to happen, either you’re going to agree to something or you’re not, in which case you need a temporary orders hearing. However, before you get that temporary order hearing, there are certain conditions that have to be met. Most salient of those are there are some instructional videos you are required to watch before you can get your referral. And you’ll watch the videos, and then there’s an attestation form on the Tulsa County Courthouse website that you have to sign, notarize, and file with the court. You’re also before you can actually have a temporary orders hearing, required to exchange proof of income on both sides for the purposes of calculating child support.
If you haven’t done those things and you haven’t attended the Planned Parenting Conference, you either will not be able to get a referral for a temporary order hearing or if you get a setting, then the court will strike it or pass it if you haven’t exchanged your financials. So in order to move your case along, these are the how the steps go. You have to attend that. You have to watch the videos, sign the attestation form, attend the Planned Parenting Conference, and get you… The best idea is to have your financials ready to go at the Planned Parenting Conference so that there’s no delay for you. Once you get your temporary orders set, it’s not going to be delayed. If any of those pieces of the puzzle are missing, your case is going to stall. So if you want to avoid that, you got to have your proverbial ducks in a row.
If you have questions about that, or if you need help with a pending family court case, one place you can get help is from an Oklahoma family law attorney at Dads.Law, where fathers are not disposable. Thanks, guys.