Any Money You Make Will Be Considered
Video Transcribed: What types of income could be potentially considered when you are calculating child support? My name is Brian L. Jackson. I am a father’s rights attorney in Oklahoma here with Dads.Law where fathers are not disposable. And I’m going to talk about types of income that can be considered in a child support calculation.
The first and most obvious is your wages and earnings. So if you get a salary or you get an hourly wage, whatever you’re making on a monthly basis goes into figuring out in calculating child support. That’s an obvious one, but there’re other types of income that are generally something you could consider that would affect those numbers too.
If you get passive income, for example, rent, royalties, stock dividends, and capital gains, especially if it’s a consistent basis, those things could be considered. Some types of pension income could be considered, but actually, arguably criminal income could be considered, although there might be an evidentiary problem. But I mean, arguably, since criminal income is taxable and the general rule is anything taxable can be considered in child support, criminal income could arguably be considered if you can prove what it is. Fringe benefits are usually considered. So if you get a stipend of some kind to maintain a car, that could be considered.
And all of that’ll get rolled together to determine what your approximate monthly income is and her approximate monthly income is. And this is why you really need to do a well-written discovery to get that all on the table before you start calculating child support because you want the numbers to be as accurate as possible.
If you have questions about that and need to reach out to a Tulsa child support lawyer, I would encourage you to go to Dads.Law where fathers are not disposable and we’ll be happy to help you out.