Navigating transportation expenses in visitation agreements.
Hi, I’m Clint Hastings. I’m an attorney here in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and I focus on Tulsa fathers rights lawyers. Today I want to give you some information about transportation expenses and visitation.
You can kind of break up the transportation issue a couple of ways. One is, who is going to provide the majority of the transportation, or is it going to be 50-50? How are you going to physically do those logistics? Are you going to meet in the middle, meet at a certain place? Who’s it going to be closer to?
Factors to Consider
All those things can be decided, of course, by agreement, if you can. But if not, it’s going to have to be decided by the judge. And issues of that transportation can also work around people’s schedules.
Let’s say the father works late, the mother does not. The mother may be ordered to drive the child back and forth to the father, or vice versa. It just depends.
Division of Transportation Costs
Lately, in the last couple of years, I’ve been getting a lot of questions and clients that want to push issues about the expense of transportation, just because costs are so high. So, what the judge will do in that case, if you request it, they will consider and may award the transportation to be divided, the cost to be divided in accordance with the proportionate share of the combined income.
So let’s say you make $5,000, she makes $2,000, you have $7,000 combined. We figure out what percentage that is of the total combined for you and her, and split it that way. And that may not seem fair. It’s like, I make more, why am I paying more? Just because I make more.
Call to Action for Consultation
I hope that helps with the transportation expense issue. If you need more guidance, give us a call at 918-962-0900. Tulsa Dad’s Law will be glad to help you out. Thanks.