The Importance of Clothes and Toys for Children
The Issue with Clothes and Toys
So what about the clothes and toys of the children? Where do they stay, where do they go? My name is Brian L. Jackson, I’m an Oklahoma Fathers’ Rights Lawyer here with, where fathers are not disposable. And this is another video under that same theme of interpreting your decree. I’m gonna talk about the kids’ clothing and toys.
So this can sometimes be a point of contention if one parent’s spending a lot of money versus the other parent on buying nice stuff for the kids, and the stuff goes over to the other parent’s house and doesn’t come back. Well, the answer is, generally speaking, clothes and toys will travel with the child during joint custody arrangements and visitation arrangements. Now, there are obvious exceptions to that if you’re talking about something that’s a large toy, like background playground equipment, for example. But the general rule is clothes and toys do transfer with the child, and they belong to the child, not either of the parents. So that is something to be aware of.
Dealing with Non-Returning Items
If you are dealing with an ongoing problem with things not returning with the child, or where you buy the child a bunch of nice clothes and they come back and they’re dressed in rags and don’t have any clothes, then that may be a reason to hire a lawyer to look at doing a motion to modify. But withholding clothing and toys because the other parent won’t send them back is usually out of bounds. You’re not supposed to do that. And the court, even if there’s no specific language in your decree dealing with that, the court will normally take the position that your kid’s clothes, your kid’s toys belong to your kid and not to one parent or the other. And that is regardless of who actually paid for it.
Seeking Legal Assistance
If you have questions about that or you’re dealing with a situation, I would encourage you to speak with a Tulsa child custody attorney at, where fathers are not disposable.