Leave the Past Behind, It Probably Won’t Help You
Video Transcribed: So last time we talked about adultery under the category of things that the Family Courts generally don’t care about. I’m going to move on with that question. My name is Brian L. Jackson. I’m an Oklahoma fathers’ rights lawyer here at Dads.Law where fathers are not disposable. And I want to give you some other ideas of things that you may think are important that the Court probably doesn’t care about.
So another thing the Court probably won’t care about. As a general rule, the Court isn’t going to care about ancient history. And what I mean by ancient history is something that happened years ago, unless it’s really, really bad. I wouldn’t say it’s a hundred percent irrelevant, but it’s not something the Court will care about.
For example, if they cut you out four years ago, or there’s that one-off time where they were late picking the kid up from school that happened years ago, Court’s not going to care, generally speaking, about ancient history. The further into the past it goes, the less it tends to matter in terms of Family Law litigation.
So understand, going into ancient history, unless there’s some really compelling reason because this is not to say that if you have a long history of domestic violence in the relationship or there was a long history of child welfare issues, that’s different. But as a general rule, ancient history is just that, and the further into the past it goes, the less relevant it becomes.
If you have any questions for a family lawyer in Tulsa, OK or are facing a family law situation, I would encourage you to go to Dads.law where fathers are not disposable.