Fathers Should Make Sure Their Kid Is Taken Care Of
Video Transcribed: Let’s discuss why you want to pay child support. My name is Brian L. Jackson. I am an Oklahoma father’s rights attorney here with dads.law.
And today, I want to talk about something that’s probably going to be a bit controversial with many of you who watch my videos regularly, which is why you want to pay child support.
Now I get it, and it’s a bill. And, a lot of times, it sort of bites at our egos because you have to get cut a check to your ex. And in many cases, you’re cutting a check to an ex who’s treated you like crap, isn’t interested in having you involved in your child’s life, but is more than happy to come around at the beginning of the month when your paycheck drops.
Here’s why you want to pay child support. First and foremost, ideally, it does benefit your child. And the more money that comes into the household, the better it is for your child’s welfare. But there’s also a legal tactical reason.
If you are paying child support, even if you’re not ordered to, and I want to be clear about this, just because you’re not ordered to, in terms of a formal court order that says pay this amount, doesn’t mean you don’t have a duty to pay, but you want to pay it because it makes you look like the good guy.
If you were giving her money when you weren’t ordered to, it’s going to be a lot harder for her to go to court and say things like, “Well, he hasn’t had any involvement with the child. He’s shown no interest.”
So it seriously undermines that and shows, “Yeah, I do care. I do care about my child. And even though it bites my ego to do this, I’m cutting her a check every month because it benefits my child.”
The other reason, too, is it avoids if you are headed to court on a divorce or paternity or something else, it avoids a massive arrearage because eventually you will be ordered to pay unless you’re custodial.
If you’re in joint custody, you will probably be ordered to pay unless she earns more than you, but the odds are pretty good as the father, you’re going to be the one that’s the obligor, that is, you pay.
So knowing that if you pay ahead, you’re in a much better situation in terms of not having to pay that arrearage. And trust me, you don’t want to get an arrearage judgment against you; it sucks. So the point of fact is you want to pay child support.
Lastly, when I say you want to pay child support, you want to communicate that to your judge. First chance you get to appear in front of the judge, if you don’t have an agreed order, one of the things you want to make a point of communicating to that judge. And I would suggest just coming out and saying, “I want to pay child support. Why? Because I love my child. I want to be in my child’s life. I care that my child doesn’t want for things.”
Because judges hear all day and night, people say, “I don’t want to pay this. I shouldn’t have to pay this blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.” You tell them you want to pay; it’s going to blow their mind in a good way.
If you have questions about any of that, if you ever need a Tulsa child support attorney or a Men’s Child Custody Lawyer in Tulsa, Ok, you can find one at Dads.Law.