Understanding Daycare Access
Hi, I’m Tulsa father’s rights attorney Clint Hastings. Today I’m going to talk about daycare access. I get clients that have been shut out from the daycare. They can’t pick up their child. They can’t call the daycare, or get any information. They’re not on the emergency contact list. If their kid gets sick, they don’t get called. If their kid gets injured, they don’t get called.
Well, let’s say that your ex has sole custody. That does not mean you should not be on the emergency contacts list or be allowed to pick up your child in an emergency. That, you should be on those lists. And if you’re not, you could take court action to get on those lists.
Working with Daycare Facilities
As far as just coming to pick up your child, there may be a list. If the custody order has been presented to the daycare, they may say you’re excluded from picking up the child. But that should be worked out with the sole custodian because the daycare is not supposed to be enforcing your visitation schedule. If there are no other orders that prohibit you from doing so, there may be occasions where you need to come pick up the child and it is not part of the daycare’s role to decide whether it’s your day to pick up the child. So, that’s inappropriate to be excluded from that.
There are exceptions. There are instances where a court may order otherwise. You should check and find out. And part of it is to just set the tone, guys, that just because she’s sole custodian doesn’t mean you are not also a parent. And that I see way too often. Let me know if you have questions and I’ll try to answer them on a video.
Take Action Today
If you are facing issues with daycare access, don’t hesitate to seek legal guidance from Oklahoma Dads.Law attorney Clint Hastings. Contact us at 918-962-0900 for a low-cost consultation to discuss your rights and legal options. We are here to help you navigate the complexities of family law and ensure that you have access to your child when needed.