Non-prescribed Substances
So, let’s talk about stuff that’s not prescribed to you. Let’s say that you like to have a drink on occasion, for instance. My name is Brian L. Jackson, I’m a fathers’ rights lawyer in Tulsa here with Dads.Law where fathers are not disposable and we’re going to talk about substances that are not prescribed to either because you are using them illegally or not.
The Impact of Alcohol and Non-prescribed Substances on Child Custody
As a general rule, if you’re taking something that’s not prescribed to you and the court gets wind of it, you have a problem. That is definitely going to factor into child custody. It’s a mandatory consideration and if the court should find that your use of that substance is going to potentially negatively impact the welfare of that child, it’s going to take that into account.
At a bare minimum, you’re going to be ordered not to be using substances in the presence of your child and you’re probably going to get ordered to do a drug and alcohol evaluation. The reality is if you’re talking about any kind of substance not prescribed to you, whether it’s legal or illegal, that could be a potential problem. Certainly, illegal substances are definitely a problem and you should get treatment and stop doing that because it’s going to impact your ability to be with your kids and it can come with other legal consequences that are negative.
Seeking Help and Taking Action
That is a legitimate concern of the court and it is, by statute, something the court must consider. If you know you’re doing that, whether you think you have a problem or not, now’s the time to stop, guys. Seriously. If you have any questions about that or you need help dealing with that kind of situation, I would recommend speaking with a child custody attorney in Oklahoma at Dads.Law, where fathers are not disposable and we’ll be able to help you out.