Consulting With Your Attorney During Negotiations is Crucial
Hi, I’m Tulsa Dads.Law attorney Clint Hastings. Today is the second part of a video where I answered whether or not you should negotiate with your wife or mother of your child or children by yourself without an attorney. And the answer to that, my recommendation is no, do not do it. But then this answers the question, can your attorney just tell you what to say to ask your spouse or mother of your child, whether they agree to certain terms.
And the answer to that is no, not exactly. So attorneys are not allowed to talk directly with opposing parties when they are represented by counsel. So if they are represented by counsel, we can’t just end run that and ignore and cut out opposing counsel by me telling the client exactly what to ask the party. So you can’t do it that way. However, if they are not yet represented. Yes, I could tell you what to say, where to go with the conversation.
Why It’s Not Recommended for Your Lawyer To Tell You What To Say
Now, whether or not I think you should do that, my answer is still no. It brings up all the same issues that I answered in the last video of why you should not do those negotiations by yourself. Most likely in most cases. Check out our website. I appreciate the questions along the lines of these two videos, and we’ll look for more questions that I hope I can answer in videos.
Contact Us for a Low-Cost Consultation
If you are facing a legal issue involving negotiations with the other party, it’s important to have professional guidance. Contact Oklahoma father’s rights attorney Clint Hastings today at 918-962-0900 for a low-cost consultation to discuss your situation. Don’t navigate these challenging conversations alone – we’re here to help.