Take Your PO Seriously
Video Transcribed: Did you know that a protective order can carry more serious consequences than many misdemeanors? I am Brian L. Jackson. I am a Tulsa dads’ rights lawyer with dads.law.
And I want to talk to you about why a protective order can sometimes be more serious than many misdemeanor charges. Suppose you were talking about a nonpredicate misdemeanor. In that case, you don’t want to get convicted of a misdemeanor because it doesn’t mean you have a criminal record, and many misdemeanors in Oklahoma do carry jail time.
And there are fines and costs, and it’s just a pain in the ass. So I mean, they should all be taken seriously. But most misdemeanors in Oklahoma do not restrict your rights to your children, do not restrict your rights to possess a firearm.
There are some exceptions, such as domestic violence, but generally speaking, a misdemeanor conviction won’t take away your right to have a gun and doesn’t affect your rights to your children.
A protective order will affect both. Suppose you have a final protective order against you. In that case, you are legally prohibited under federal law, the Violence Against Women Act, from possessing a firearm, ammunition, or purchasing either of the same, under federal law.
Additionally, you will lose the right to have a concealed carry permit under Oklahoma Law. You lose the right to carry under our constitutional carry statutes while subject to that protective order.
You immediately are set up at a disadvantage in terms of being allowed to see your children under Title 43 because having a protective order is prima facie evidence that you are now a domestic abuser, harasser, or stalker, which creates a presumption against you having custody of your children, or even having unsupervised contact.
It’s a big deal, guys. So these protective orders are actually, in some ways, more serious than a misdemeanor charge because many misdemeanors do not carry those consequences. So I’m here to tell you that this is serious business if you get served with a protective order. It should be taken seriously. If you have questions about needing a Tulsa Protective Order Defense Attorney or a Dad’s Child Custody Lawyer in Tulsa, you can find one at Dads.Law.