Suit Money
Hi, my name is Clint Hastings. I’m an Oklahoma Fathers’ Rights Attorney here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I practice family law and I focus on dad’s rights. Today, I wanna talk to you about what’s called a motion for suit money. And it’s not a motion to have money to buy suits. What it is, is a motion to get attorney’s fees from the other side in the near beginning of the case to pay your attorney.
Now, this is only granted by the court when one side maybe has a lot more financial ability than the other side. The party at a disadvantage financially can ask for money to hire an attorney early on in the case. Now, by the end of the case, they may actually have to pay some of that money back, depending, let’s say they, by the end of a case that lasted a couple of years, maybe mother now makes a lot more than father.
Factors Considered
The father could ask then for attorney’s fees at the end of the case. However, the general rule is that both parties pay their own attorney’s fees, if able. It doesn’t need to be completely even. Just because your wife can’t afford as much fees for an attorney as you can afford, doesn’t necessarily mean you have to pay for their fees. It’s all how the judge sees it as fair and equitable.
So that decision is made up to individual judges. It can depend on other circumstances, such as whether there’s any domestic violence in the case, whether mother also needs help with alimony and housing and child support and issues like that. I hope that helps. Review the site. Let me know if you have any questions and I’ll try to get back with you.
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