Get Paternity Filed Quickly
Video Transcribed: So she’s met someone new and now it’s out with the old and in with the new. My name is Brian L. Jackson. I am a Tulsa father’s rights attorney. And I want to talk to you today about what to do if your ex has met a new man and she’s trying to put him in your role as the father, a couple of things to be aware of in that situation.
First of all, her bringing a new man into the picture, if you already have a custody order, could be considered a substantial material change in circumstances under the Gibbon standard. So it could be a reason for you to file a motion to modify finance and ask for a change in custody.
Now, if you add to this, that she is encouraging the children to view this individual as the new daddy, as opposed to you, that gives you a stronger case. And I have seen judges that will change custody over this precise issue. I’ve seen it happen. I’ve had it happen in cases I worked on. It is a thing. So that’s one thing to be aware of.
Now, if you’re talking about a situation where there isn’t an existing order, this is where if she if she’s got a new man and you were married, get a divorce and get after it as quick as possible and make sure the court knows about that.
And you can ask the court to order that no significant others be brought around the children, and those orders do get entered. Courts will entertain it. And particularly if you have a good argument, like, hey, she’s trying to replace me in my children’s eyes.
Now, things to be sure to be cognizant of and bring to the court’s attention, if she’s encouraging a younger child to call her boyfriend Daddy, that needs to be brought to the court’s attention immediately.
If she’s allowing them to have more time with the child than you, that needs to be brought to the court’s attention, especially when you’re dealing with younger children. And yesterday is on time and today is too late when it comes to this stuff if you understand what I’m saying. Get after it quick. If you’re dealing with a paternity situation, get that paternity file and get after it quickly.
And you want to definitely have the court address things like if she’s encouraging the kids to call the new man Daddy or Dad or whatever. You want to get after that. If the guy is in the kid’s life more than you, get after it, especially with younger children.
Because yes, that will, in the long-term, negatively affect your relationship. And it is relevant and it is grounds for the court to consider giving you custody instead of her. It should be brought up and it should be brought up quickly.
At the very least, you can get an order to put a lid on that crap. And judges will, will definitely take that seriously. They don’t like it. And it’s something that you can get help with, but you need to get after it sooner rather than later. And if you are facing this situation or any child custody in Tulsa situation, you need a good lawyer right now. One place you can get a good lawyer is at