Understanding Agreed Orders
Hi, my name’s Clint Hastings. I’m an attorney here in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and you can find me here at Dads.Law. Today, I want to talk about the topic of never sign an agreed order without reading it.
The Importance of Reading
Now, what’s an agreed order? That’s where the parties and the attorneys have come to some sort of agreement for an order without the need to decide the issues in the order. And through the years, especially, I’ll take over cases for other attorneys and there’ll be orders in the case.
And my client says, I didn’t agree to that. I don’t didn’t want those orders. I didn’t understand those orders. And we need to undo them. Well, it’s difficult to undo something you agreed to and signed and entered with the court as an order.
Consequences of Blind Signing
So I guess what happens is it gets put in front of you, the lawyer doesn’t advise you to read it first. And that’s that. I always advise my clients to read it over, make sure they agree to that because they will get stuck with it. I think also people think, well, it’s an agreement. So I can undo the agreement at any time.
You can’t. Once it’s signed and entered and submitted to the court and they approve it and it gets filed in the action, those are orders of the court that you’re stuck with to follow.
Reach Out to Us
I hope that helps. Keep that in mind. If you have any questions about that, contact me here at Dads.Law and I will get back to you.