Empowering Fathers: Knowing Your Rights in Custody
I’m Tulsa Dads.Law attorney Clint Hastings of Oklahoma, and I focus on father’s rights. I get clients that come to me asking, do I get access to my child’s medical records if she has sole custody? The answer is yes, you do, and even if that did not get put in an order from a decree or other temporary order or any other type of custody order, it is statutory law that you have the right to those things, and if she has done something to exclude you from them, you can take action with the court to get the court to order it complied with.
If you have joint custody you have access to those things. I have clients with joint custody that they’ve obtained by themselves or from another attorney. They come to me saying that they’ve been shut out from the medical records for years and assume they could not get them. Well, you do, and you have the right to make appointments for your child as well and take your child. So don’t just sit on your hands. If you have questions about that, you should go ahead and consult an attorney and get action taken if needed.
Low-Cost Consultation
Check out the father’s rights lawyer website, and let us know if you have questions. We might make a video about your question. For a low-cost consultation, contact us at 918-962-0900.